The female authority, many hours later, prepared the gravy mixture and continued to roast it for about two hours. The aroma was broadcast to every corner with a sweet smell but not too overpowering for me at least not until they combined all of the food items for their dinner. Food is an amazing thing, I would encourage you readers to treat your special friend whether they be feline or K-9 to a taste of good protein combinations to reduce the use of processed animal food. Take it from Watson, a few strips of deer meat will go a long way to a secure a lasting relationship.
This meal was successful, the combination of roasted zucchini, onions, and peppers paired well with the earthly taste of the deer which was perhaps roasted for a few minutes too long but not enough to detract from a sound composition that left the palate satisfied. The younglings did not have much of a difficult time with the meal either, although the mixed vegetables were substituted with steamed carrots. Anytime children eat food not presented to them before is without question a great success.
It is not all sunshine on this earthly plate however, the largest complaint being, if you considerate it one, was that the wild rice contained more salt than desired (store bought). Without anything else to add, I give the dish 2 and 1/2 Paws.
It is not all sunshine on this earthly plate however, the largest complaint being, if you considerate it one, was that the wild rice contained more salt than desired (store bought). Without anything else to add, I give the dish 2 and 1/2 Paws.
Watson's Bowl:
1: If the site of blood when cleaning an animal is offensive to you then I recommend placing your items in a large bowl under cool running water which allows much of the discard to run off quickly. Ensure proper drainage then walk away and let the water run for a while letting the most concentrated fluid disperse. Come back when you are ready and prepare it.
2: If you desire the more natural prospects that are available to us culinary aspirants then trot on over to your local meat market and pick up some deer, rabbit, or quail and give it a try. Remember salt, pepper, and garlic will do wonders for any protein you intend to cook. Just keep a solid eye on it, baste as necessary, and enjoy!!
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